Technical specs

An investment, no matter how large or small, raises many questions. What facility requirements are required? What are the desired performances and returns? Which KPIs are priority? How many FTEs are required? What is the availability and what are the associated maintenance needs?

GECP is the right partner when it comes to brainstorming, creating and implementing a technical design and then working out the data. The result is the desired technical specifications, depending on demands these can be including aspects such as mass balance, component specifications, yields and flow sheets.

When drawing up the technical specifications, our skills in AutoCAD as well ass 3D design programs come in handy. At GECP we not only have technical skills, we combine this expertise with a strong dose of communication skills and commercial ability. It is therefore characteristic of our technical reports, including specifications, that they are comprehensible and crystal clear to everyone – from engineers to marketeers. 

Case study

One of our clients is a renowned Dutch installation company. For this company, amongst others, we draw up the technical specifications for a wide range of installations. We also work on the technical specifications for other clients, varying from transhipment to reprocessing installations. It is our task to implement the process guarantees in the technical design. The result is highly advanced and solid machines and installations.

Whatever your question is…


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